While her outfit is absolutely stunning, what warmed our hearts was that Chopra’s veil featured Chadha’s name written in the Devanagari script. The lehenga and blouse were paired with a tulle framework dupatta that featured some pearl detailing. It is adorned with intricate embroidery in vintage gold threads in a linear geometric pattern and elevated with Nakshi and metal sequins that complement the mesh blouse. She was dressed in a handcrafted golden-hued Manish Malhotra lehenga set that took 2,500 hours to create. It’s clear that Chopra took the quiet luxury approach, and we’re all here for it. We recommend you take notes as we decode their looks!
However, what stood out the most were their stunning wedding ensembles. We have to say that their classic big fat Indian wedding has given us enough goals to pin to our own wedding mood board. They announced their nuptials by sharing a curated carousel of images on their social media handles. The couple tied the knot at The Leela Palace, Udaipur, on September 24, and we couldn’t be happier for them. After days of anticipation, we finally got a glimpse into Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha’s lavish wedding.